MIDAPACK - MIcrowave Data Analysis PACKage  1.1b
Parallel software tools for high performance CMB DA analysis
toeplitz.c File Reference

Contains the main part of the sequential routines for Toeplitz algebra. More...

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int print_error_message (int error_number, char const *file, int line)
 Prints error message corresponding to an error number. More...
int define_blocksize (int n, int lambda, int bs_flag, int fixed_bs)
 Defines an optimal size of the block used in the sliding windows algorithm. More...
int define_nfft (int n_thread, int flag_nfft, int fixed_nfft)
int tpltz_init (int n, int lambda, int *nfft, int *blocksize, fftw_complex **T_fft, double *T, fftw_complex **V_fft, double **V_rfft, fftw_plan *plan_f, fftw_plan *plan_b, Flag flag_stgy)
int fftw_init_omp_threads (int fftw_n_thread)
 Initialize omp threads for fftw plans. More...
int rhs_init_fftw (const int *nfft, int fft_size, fftw_complex **V_fft, double **V_rfft, fftw_plan *plan_f, fftw_plan *plan_b, int fftw_flag)
 Initializes fftw array and plan for the right hand side, general matrix V. More...
int circ_init_fftw (const double *T, int fft_size, int lambda, fftw_complex **T_fft)
int tpltz_cleanup (fftw_complex **T_fft, fftw_complex **V_fft, double **V_rfft, fftw_plan *plan_f, fftw_plan *plan_b)
int copy_block (int ninrow, int nincol, double *Vin, int noutrow, int noutcol, double *Vout, int inrow, int incol, int nblockrow, int nblockcol, int outrow, int outcol, double norm, int set_zero_flag)
int scmm_direct (int fft_size, int nfft, fftw_complex *C_fft, int ncol, double *V_rfft, double **CV, fftw_complex *V_fft, fftw_plan plan_f_V, fftw_plan plan_b_CV)
int scmm_basic (double **V, int blocksize, int m, fftw_complex *C_fft, double **CV, fftw_complex *V_fft, double *V_rfft, int nfft, fftw_plan plan_f_V, fftw_plan plan_b_CV)
int stmm_core (double **V, int n, int m, double *T, fftw_complex *T_fft, int blocksize, int lambda, fftw_complex *V_fft, double *V_rfft, int nfft, fftw_plan plan_f, fftw_plan plan_b, int flag_offset, int flag_nofft)
int stmm_main (double **V, int n, int m, int id0, int l, double *T, fftw_complex *T_fft, int lambda, fftw_complex *V_fft, double *V_rfft, fftw_plan plan_f, fftw_plan plan_b, int blocksize, int nfft, Flag flag_stgy)
int mpi_stmm (double **V, int n, int m, int id0, int l, double *T, int lambda, Flag flag_stgy, MPI_Comm comm)


 Verbose mode. More...
int PRINT_RANK = -1

Detailed Description

Contains the main part of the sequential routines for Toeplitz algebra.

version 1.2b, November 2012

Frederic Dauvergne, Maude Le Jeune, Antoine Rogier, Radek Stompor

Project: Midapack library, ANR MIDAS'09 - Toeplitz Algebra module Purpose: Provide Toeplitz algebra tools suitable for Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) data analysis.

Copyright (c) 2010-2012 APC CNRS Université Paris Diderot
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is
distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this
program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
For more information about ANR MIDAS'09 project see :
ACKNOWLEDGMENT: This work has been supported in part by the French National Research
Agency (ANR) through COSINUS program (project MIDAS no. ANR-09-COSI-009).

Log: toeplitz*.c

Revision 1.0b 2012/05/07 Frederic Dauvergne (APC) Official release 1.0beta. The first installement of the library is the Toeplitz algebra module.

Revision 1.1b 2012/07/- Frederic Dauvergne (APC)

  • mpi_stbmm allows now rowi-wise order per process datas and no-blocking communications.
  • OMP improvment for optimal cpu time.
  • bug fixed for OMP in the stmm_basic routine.
  • distcorrmin is used to communicate only lambda-1 datas when it is needed.
  • new reshaping routines using transformation functions in stmm. Thus, only one copy at most is needed.
  • tpltz_init improvement using define_nfft and define_blocksize routines.
  • add Block struture to define each Toeplitz block.
  • add Flag structure and preprocessing parameters to define the computational strategy. All the flag parameters are then available directly from the API.

Revision 1.2b 2012/11/30 Frederic Dauvergne (APC)

  • extend the mpi product routine to rowwise order data distribution. This is now allowing tree kinds of distribution.
  • add int64 for some variables to extend the global volume of data you can use.
  • Openmp improvments.
  • Add toeplitz_wizard.c, which contains a set of easy to use routines with defined structures.

Definition in file toeplitz.c.

Function Documentation

◆ print_error_message()

int print_error_message ( int  error_number,
char const *  file,
int  line 

Prints error message corresponding to an error number.

error_numbererror number
filefile name
lineline number

Definition at line 127 of file toeplitz.c.

◆ define_blocksize()

int define_blocksize ( int  n,
int  lambda,
int  bs_flag,
int  fixed_bs 

Defines an optimal size of the block used in the sliding windows algorithm.

The optimal block size is computed as the minimum power of two above 3*lambda, i.e. the smallest value equal to 2^x, where x is an integer, and above 3*lambda. If bs_flag is set to one, a different formula is used to compute the optimal block size (see MADmap: A MASSIVELY PARALLEL MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD COSMIC MICROWAVE BACKGROUND MAP-MAKER, C. M. Cantalupo, J. D. Borrill, A. H. Jaffe, T. S. Kisner, and R. Stompor, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 187:212–227, 2010 March). To avoid using block size much bigger than the matrix, the block size is set to 3*lambda when his previous computed size is bigger than the matrix size n. This case append mostly for small matrix compared to his bandwith.

nmatrix row dimension
lambdahalf bandwidth of the Toeplitz matrix
bs_flagflag to use a different formula for optimal block size computation
fixed_bsfixed blocksize value if needed

Definition at line 168 of file toeplitz.c.

◆ define_nfft()

int define_nfft ( int  n_thread,
int  flag_nfft,
int  fixed_nfft 

Defines the number of simultaneous ffts for the Toeplitz matrix product computation.

n_threadnumber of omp threads
flag_nfftflag to set the strategy to define nfft
fixed_nfftfixed nfft value if nedeed (used for the case where flag_nfft=1)

Definition at line 266 of file toeplitz.c.

◆ tpltz_init()

int tpltz_init ( int  n,
int  lambda,
int *  nfft,
int *  blocksize,
fftw_complex **  T_fft,
double *  T,
fftw_complex **  V_fft,
double **  V_rfft,
fftw_plan *  plan_f,
fftw_plan *  plan_b,
Flag  flag_stgy 

Sets a block size and initializes all fftw arrays and plans needed for the computation.

Initializes the fftw arrays and plans is necessary before any computation of the Toeplitz matrix matrix product. Use tpltz_cleanup afterwards.

See also
nrow size of the matrix used for later product
lambdaToeplitz band width
nfftmaximum number of FFTs you want to compute at the same time
blocksizeoptimal block size used in the sliding window algorithm to compute an optimize value)
T_fftcomplex array used for FFTs
TToeplitz matrix
V_fftcomplex array used for FFTs
V_rfftreal array used for FFTs
plan_ffftw plan forward (r2c)
plan_bfftw plan backward (c2r)

Definition at line 298 of file toeplitz.c.

◆ fftw_init_omp_threads()

int fftw_init_omp_threads ( int  fftw_n_thread)

Initialize omp threads for fftw plans.

Initialize omp threads for fftw plans. The number of threads used for ffts (define by the variable n_thread) is read from OMP_NUM_THREAD environment variable. fftw multithreaded option is controlled by fftw_MULTITHREADING macro.

Definition at line 379 of file toeplitz.c.

◆ rhs_init_fftw()

int rhs_init_fftw ( const int *  nfft,
int  fft_size,
fftw_complex **  V_fft,
double **  V_rfft,
fftw_plan *  plan_f,
fftw_plan *  plan_b,
int  fftw_flag 

Initializes fftw array and plan for the right hand side, general matrix V.

Initialize fftw array and plan for the right hand side matrix V.

nfftmaximum number of FFTs you want to compute at the same time
fft_sizeeffective FFT size for the general matrix V (usually equal to blocksize)
V_fftcomplex array used for FFTs
V_rfftreal array used for FFTs
plan_ffftw plan forward (r2c)
plan_bfftw plan backward (c2r)
fftw_flagfftw plan allocation flag

Definition at line 408 of file toeplitz.c.

◆ circ_init_fftw()

int circ_init_fftw ( const double *  T,
int  fft_size,
int  lambda,
fftw_complex **  T_fft 

Initializes fftw array and plan for the circulant matrix T_circ obtained from T.

Builds the circulant matrix T_circ from T and initilizes its fftw arrays and plans. Use tpltz_cleanup afterwards.

See also
TToeplitz matrix.
fft_sizeeffective FFT size for the circulant matrix (usually equal to blocksize)
lambdaToeplitz band width.
T_fftcomplex array used for FFTs.

Definition at line 441 of file toeplitz.c.

◆ tpltz_cleanup()

int tpltz_cleanup ( fftw_complex **  T_fft,
fftw_complex **  V_fft,
double **  V_rfft,
fftw_plan *  plan_f,
fftw_plan *  plan_b 

Cleans fftw workspace used in the Toeplitz matrix matrix product's computation.

Destroy fftw plans, free memory and reset fftw workspace.

See also
T_fftcomplex array used for FFTs
V_fftcomplex array used for FFTs
V_rfftreal array used for FFTs
plan_ffftw plan forward (r2c)
plan_bfftw plan backward (c2r)

Definition at line 485 of file toeplitz.c.

◆ copy_block()

int copy_block ( int  ninrow,
int  nincol,
double *  Vin,
int  noutrow,
int  noutcol,
double *  Vout,
int  inrow,
int  incol,
int  nblockrow,
int  nblockcol,
int  outrow,
int  outcol,
double  norm,
int  set_zero_flag 

Copies (and potentially reshapes) a selected block of the input matrix to a specified position of the output matrix.

Copy a matrix block of a size nblockrow x nblockcol from the input matrix Vin (size ninrow x nincol) starting with the element (inrow, incol) to the output matrix Vout (size notrow x noutcol) starting with the element (outrow, outcol) after multiplying by norm. If the output matrix is larger than the block the extra elements are either left as they were on the input or zeroed if zero_flag is set to 1. If the block to be copied is larger than either the input or the output matrix an error occurs.

Definition at line 514 of file toeplitz.c.

◆ scmm_direct()

int scmm_direct ( int  fft_size,
int  nfft,
fftw_complex *  C_fft,
int  ncol,
double *  V_rfft,
double **  CV,
fftw_complex *  V_fft,
fftw_plan  plan_f_V,
fftw_plan  plan_b_CV 

Performs the product of a circulant matrix C_fft by a matrix V_rfft using fftw plans.

Performs the product of a circulant matrix C_fft by a matrix V_rfft using fftw plans: forward - plan_f_V; and backward - plan_b_CV. C_fft is a Fourier (complex representation of the circulant matrix) of length fft_size/2+1; V_rfft is a matrix with ncol columns and fft_size rows; V_fft is a workspace of fft_size/2+1 complex numbers as required by the backward FFT (plan_b_CV); CV is the output matrix of the same size as the input V_rfft one. The FFTs transform ncol vectors simultanously.

fft_sizerow dimension
nfftnumber of simultaneous FFTs
C_fftcomplex array used for FFTs
ncolcolumn dimension
V_rfftreal array used for FFTs
[out]CVproduct of the circulant matrix C_fft by the matrix V_rfft
V_fftcomplex array used for FFTs
plan_f_Vfftw plan forward (r2c)
plan_b_CVfftw plan backward (c2r)

Definition at line 569 of file toeplitz.c.

◆ scmm_basic()

int scmm_basic ( double **  V,
int  blocksize,
int  m,
fftw_complex *  C_fft,
double **  CV,
fftw_complex *  V_fft,
double *  V_rfft,
int  nfft,
fftw_plan  plan_f_V,
fftw_plan  plan_b_CV 

Performs the product of a circulant matrix by a matrix using FFT's (an INTERNAL routine)

This routine multiplies a circulant matrix, represented by C_fft, by a general matrix V, and stores the output as a matrix CV. In addition the routine requires two workspace objects, V_fft and V_rfft, to be allocated prior to a call to it as well as two fftw plans: one forward (plan_f_V), and one backward (plan_b_TV). The sizes of the input general matrix V and the ouput CV are given by blocksize rows and m columns. They are stored as a vector in the column-wise order. The circulant matrix, which is assumed to be band-diagonal with a band-width lambda, is represented by a Fourier transform with its coefficients stored in a vector C_fft (length blocksize). blocksize also defines the size of the FFTs, which will be performed and therefore this is the value which has to be used while creating the fftw plans and allocating the workspaces. The latter are given as: nfft*(blocksize/2+1) for V_fft and nfft*blocksize for V_rfft. The fftw plans should correspond to doing the transforms of nfft vectors simultaneously. Typically, the parameters of this routine are fixed by a preceding call to Toeplitz_init(). The parameters are :

Vmatrix (with the convention V(i,j)=V[i+j*n])
blocksizerow dimension of V
mcolumn dimension of V
C_fftcomplex array used for FFTs (FFT of the Toeplitz matrix)
[out]CVproduct of the circulant matrix C_fft by the matrix V_rfft
V_fftcomplex array used for FFTs
V_rfftreal array used for FFTs
nfftnumber of simultaneous FFTs
plan_f_Vfftw plan forward (r2c)
plan_b_CVfftw plan backward (c2r)

Definition at line 651 of file toeplitz.c.

◆ stmm_core()

int stmm_core ( double **  V,
int  n,
int  m,
double *  T,
fftw_complex *  T_fft,
int  blocksize,
int  lambda,
fftw_complex *  V_fft,
double *  V_rfft,
int  nfft,
fftw_plan  plan_f,
fftw_plan  plan_b,
int  flag_offset,
int  flag_nofft 

Performs the stand alone product of a Toeplitz matrix by a matrix using the sliding window algorithm. (an INTERNAL routine)

The product is performed block-by-block with a defined block size or a computed optimized block size that reflects a trade off between cost of a single FFT of a length block_size and a number of blocks needed to perform the mutiplicaton. The latter determines how many spurious values are computed extra due to overlaps between the blocks. Use flag_offset=0 for "classic" algorithm and flag_offset=1 to put an offset to avoid the first and last lambdas terms. Usefull when a reshaping was done before with optimal column for a nfft. Better be inside the arguments of the routine. The parameters are:

V[input] data matrix (with the convention V(i,j)=V[i+j*n]) ; [out] result of the product TV
nnumber of rows of V
mnumber of columns of V
TToeplitz matrix data composed of the non-zero entries of his first row
T_fftcomplex array used for FFTs
blocksizeblock size used in the sliding window algorithm
lambdaToeplitz band width
V_fftcomplex array used for FFTs
V_rfftreal array used for FFTs
nfftnumber of simultaneous FFTs
plan_ffftw plan forward (r2c)
plan_bfftw plan backward (c2r)
flag_offsetflag to avoid extra 2*lambda padding to zeros on the edges
flag_nofftflag to do product without using fft

Definition at line 731 of file toeplitz.c.

◆ stmm_main()

int stmm_main ( double **  V,
int  n,
int  m,
int  id0,
int  l,
double *  T,
fftw_complex *  T_fft,
int  lambda,
fftw_complex *  V_fft,
double *  V_rfft,
fftw_plan  plan_f,
fftw_plan  plan_b,
int  blocksize,
int  nfft,
Flag  flag_stgy 

Performs the product of a Toeplitz matrix by a general matrix using the sliding window algorithm with optimize reshaping. (an INTERNAL routine)

The input matrix is formatted into an optimized matrix depending on the block size and the number of simultaneous ffts (defined with the variable nfft). The obtained number of columns represent the number of vectors FFTs of which are computed simulatenously. The multiplication is then performed block-by-block with the chosen block size using the core routine. The parameters are :

V[input] data matrix (with the convention V(i,j)=V[i+j*n]) ; [out] result of the product TV
nnumber of rows of V
mnumber of columns of V
id0first index of V
llength of V
TToeplitz matrix data composed of the non-zero entries of his first row
T_fftcomplex array used for FFTs
lambdaToeplitz band width
V_fftcomplex array used for FFTs
V_rfftreal array used for FFTs
plan_ffftw plan forward (r2c)
plan_bfftw plan backward (c2r)
blocksizeblock size
nfftnumber of simultaneous FTTs
flag_stgyflag strategy for the product computation

Definition at line 888 of file toeplitz.c.

◆ mpi_stmm()

int mpi_stmm ( double **  V,
int  n,
int  m,
int  id0,
int  l,
double *  T,
int  lambda,
Flag  flag_stgy,
MPI_Comm  comm 

Performs the product of a Toeplitz matrix by a general matrix using MPI. We assume that the matrix has already been scattered. (a USER routine)

The multiplication is performed using FFT applied to circulant matrix in order to diagonalized it. The parameters are :

V[input] distributed data matrix (with the convention V(i,j)=V[i+j*n]); [out] result of the product TV
nnumber of rows of V
mnumber of columns of V
id0first index of scattered V
llength of the scattered V
TToeplitz matrix.
lambdaToeplitz band width.
flag_stgyflag strategy for the product computation
commcommunicator (usually MPI_COMM_WORLD)

Definition at line 1079 of file toeplitz.c.

Variable Documentation



Verbose mode.

Prints some informative messages during the computation.

Definition at line 113 of file toeplitz.c.



Definition at line 114 of file toeplitz.c.


int PRINT_RANK = -1

Definition at line 117 of file toeplitz.c.