MIDAPACK - MIcrowave Data Analysis PACKage  1.1b
Parallel software tools for high performance CMB DA analysis
mapmat.c File Reference

Matrix routines implementation. More...

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int MatInit (Mat *A, int m, int nnz, int *indices, double *values, int flag #ifdef W_MPI, MPI_Comm comm #endif)
void MatSetIndices (Mat *A, int m, int nnz, int *indices)
void MatSetValues (Mat *A, int m, int nnz, double *values)
void CommInfo (Mat *A)
void MatReset (Mat *A)
void MatFree (Mat *A)
int MatLoad (Mat *mat, char *filename)
int MatSave (Mat *mat, char *filename)
int MatLocalShape (Mat *A, int sflag)
int MatComShape (Mat *A, int flag, MPI_Comm comm)
int MatVecProd (Mat *A, double *x, double *y, int pflag)
int TrMatVecProd_Naive (Mat *A, double *y, double *x, int pflag)
int TrMatVecProd (Mat *A, double *y, double *x, int pflag)
int MatInfo (Mat *mat, int verbose, char *filename)
 Print information about a matrix.
Usefull function to check, debug or bench. It prints matrix array sizes. More...
int greedyreduce (Mat *A, double *x)

Detailed Description

Matrix routines implementation.

Copyright (c) 2010-2012 APC CNRS Université Paris Diderot. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
For more information about ANR MIDAS'09 project see http://www.apc.univ-paris7.fr/APC_CS/Recherche/Adamis/MIDAS09/index.html
ACKNOWLEDGMENT: This work has been supported in part by the French National Research Agency (ANR) through COSINUS program (project MIDAS no. ANR-09-COSI-009).
Pierre Cargemel
November 2011

Definition in file mapmat.c.

Function Documentation

◆ MatInit()

int MatInit ( Mat *  A,
int  m,
int  nnz,
int *  indices,
double *  values,
int flag #ifdef  W_MPI,
MPI_Comm comm #  endif 

Create a matrix specifying the number of local rows m, the number of non-zero elements per row nnz , indices tab, values tab, ts_flags tab, flag for communication and a communicator comm. indices and values tabs must be allocated and contain at least m*nnz elements. It represents column indices of the nonzero elements. Respectively values tab represents the non-zero values. After call MatInit, all precomputation are done and the matrix structure is ready to use. That means you can start applying matrix operation. Another way to initialize a matrix structure is to apply step by step :

  • MatSetIndices
  • MatSetValues
  • MatLocalShape
  • MatComShape
    do not modify indices tab until you will use the matrix structure.
    [MPI COMM!] with Midapack sequential version, there is no communicator argument.
    Apointer to a Mat struct
    mnumber of local rows
    nnznumber of non-zero per row
    indicesinput tab (modified)
    valuesinput tab
    flagcommunication flag
    commMPI communicator
    See also

Definition at line 54 of file mapmat.c.

◆ MatSetIndices()

void MatSetIndices ( Mat *  A,
int  m,
int  nnz,
int *  indices 

Set column indices of the nonzero elements. indices tab must be allocated and contains at least m*nnz elements.

Apointer to a Mat struct
mnumber of local rows
nnznumber of non-zero per row
indicesinput tab

Definition at line 83 of file mapmat.c.

◆ MatSetValues()

void MatSetValues ( Mat *  A,
int  m,
int  nnz,
double *  values 

Set values of the nonzero elements. values tab must be allocated and contains at least m*nnz values.

Apointer to a Mat struct
mnumber of local rows
nnznumber of non-zero per row
valuesinput tab

Definition at line 97 of file mapmat.c.

◆ CommInfo()

void CommInfo ( Mat *  A)

Definition at line 106 of file mapmat.c.

◆ MatReset()

void MatReset ( Mat *  A)

Definition at line 255 of file mapmat.c.

◆ MatFree()

void MatFree ( Mat *  A)

Free allocated tabs of a matrix structure including local indices tab and communication tabs. Do not free indices and values which user is responsible for.

Apointer to a Mat struct
See also
MatInit MatLocalShape

Definition at line 323 of file mapmat.c.

◆ MatLoad()

int MatLoad ( Mat *  mat,
char *  filename 

Load matrix from a file. This is MatSave dual routine which loads data into matrix reading a specified file (or several specified files). Number of files should equal number of processor. File format should be ascii files (for examples look at files generated by MapMatSave routine).

Does not include gap samples flags functionality
Implement to read several file formats as basic ASCII, XML, HDF5...
matpointer to the Mat
filenamebasename of a file, actually data are loaded from several files denotes by "basename + processor number"
error code

Definition at line 414 of file mapmat.c.

◆ MatSave()

int MatSave ( Mat *  mat,
char *  filename 

Write matrix into files This is the dual routine of MatLoad. It saves matrix data into files, and can be usefull to check that data are well stored. Obviously it performs IO, moreover with one file per processor. Therfore, just call this function in a development phase, with few data and few processors.

Does not include gap samples flags functionality.
Apointer to the Mat
filenamefile basename, for instance passing "toto" should produce the output files named "toto_$(rank)"
error code

Definition at line 460 of file mapmat.c.

◆ MatLocalShape()

int MatLocalShape ( Mat *  A,
int  sflag 

Compute a local indices into a dense vector, lindices, and reindices indices tab according the this local dense vector. For this three steps are performed :

  • sort and merge indices tab,
  • allocate lindices of size lcount and copy the sorted indices
  • reindex indices according the local indices
lindices is internally allocated ( to free it, use MatFree )
See also
MatComShape MatFree MatSetIndices

Definition at line 496 of file mapmat.c.

◆ MatComShape()

int MatComShape ( Mat *  A,
int  flag,
MPI_Comm  comm 

Transform the matrix data structure, identifying columns shared by several processors

[MPI ONLY!] this function does not exist in Midapack sequential version
See also
MatLocalShape MatInit TrMatVecProd

Definition at line 530 of file mapmat.c.

◆ MatVecProd()

int MatVecProd ( Mat *  A,
double *  x,
double *  y,
int  pflag 

Perform matrix-vector multiplication, $y \leftarrow A x$.

Apointer to a Mat
xinput vector (overlapped)
youtput vector (distributed)

Definition at line 704 of file mapmat.c.

◆ TrMatVecProd_Naive()

int TrMatVecProd_Naive ( Mat *  A,
double *  y,
double *  x,
int  pflag 

Perform transposed matrix-vector multiplication, $x \leftarrow A^t y$. This naive version does not require a precomputed communication structure. But communication volumes may be significant. Consequently in most of the cases is not optimized.

[MPI ONLY!] this function does not exist in Midapack sequential version
See also
TrMatVecProd MatLocalShape
ylocal input vector (distributed)
xlocal output vector (overlapped)

Definition at line 744 of file mapmat.c.

◆ TrMatVecProd()

int TrMatVecProd ( Mat *  A,
double *  y,
double *  x,
int  pflag 

Perform a transposed matrix-vector multiplication, $x \leftarrow A^t y$ using a precomputed communication scheme. Before calling this routine, the communication structure should have been set, calling MatInit or MatComShape. The routine can be divided in two steps :

  • a local matrix vector multiplication
  • a collective-reduce. it consits in a sum reduce over all processes.

The collective reduce is performed using algorithm previously defined : ring, butterfly ...

See also
MatVecProd MatComShape TrMatVecProd_Naive MatInit
Aa pointer to a Mat
ylocal input vector (distributed)
xlocal output vector (overlapped)

Definition at line 819 of file mapmat.c.

◆ MatInfo()

int MatInfo ( Mat *  mat,
int  verbose,
char *  filename 

Print information about a matrix.
Usefull function to check, debug or bench. It prints matrix array sizes.

See also
Apointer to the Mat

Definition at line 867 of file mapmat.c.

◆ greedyreduce()

int greedyreduce ( Mat *  A,
double *  x 

Definition at line 1008 of file mapmat.c.