MIDAPACK - MIcrowave Data Analysis PACKage  1.1b
Parallel software tools for high performance CMB DA analysis
mapmat Directory Reference


file  alm.c [code]
 Implementation of subroutines handling maps, distributions or functions. That means, almost all structures describes as sets of indices associated to sets of values).
file  als.c [code]
 Implementation of subroutines handling sets of inidices (union, intersection, merge, cardinal ...)
file  bitop.c [code]
file  butterfly.c [code]
 Implementation of routines for butterfly-like communication scheme.
file  butterfly_extra.c [code]
file  butterfly_new.c [code]
file  cindex.c [code]
 Indexing subroutines implemetation.
file  csort.c [code]
 subroutines for sequential or parallel sort and/or merge sets of integer.
file  mapmat.c [code]
 Matrix routines implementation.
file  mapmatc.c [code]
 Sparse Matrix with Coarse Level.
file  ring.c [code]
 Implementation of routines for ring-like communication scheme.
file  truebutterfly.c [code]
 Implementation of routines for butterfly-like communication scheme, with classic pair wise butterfly scheme.